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Company Directors

Director & Special Advisor

Dr. Yi-Chung Chao

Dr. Chao is a California board certified TCM doctor, as well as a successful entrepreneur and a management leader in Silicon Valley.

His journey in TCM started when his then 7 years old son was diagnosed with ASD and subsequently received the TCM Practitioner’s treatment. It transformed his son from a disengaged, moody boy to a confident young man who completed his Master’s degree in June 2020. Intrigued by the successful treatment using TCM, Dr. Chao started learning and eventually obtained a master’s degree in TCM in Silicon Valley. After passing California’s board certified TCM doctor exam in 2017, Dr. Chao has formally immersed himself in the R&D of the medical cases of the TCM Practitioner and continues to learn under his guidance.

Prior to TCM, Dr. Chao was a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Nasdaq listed Telenav in Silicon Valley. Exercising his engineering training in engineering, navigation and leadership, Dr. Chao managed Telenav’s international team of 500+ engineers across US, China, and Europe.

Dr. Chao obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at the National Taiwan University, a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. These educational experiences have provided him solid engineering knowledge and life-long learning capabilities